Organizer: Phil Wallensteen (Event Director)

Map: Gardom Bench


This event will take place on the southern part of the Gardom Bench map. The map is a work in progress. Most features have been mapped between the controls. The vegetation mapping is computer generated.

There are some no trespassing signs on a trail at the south end of the map that are on crown land. The private property has been mapped as out of bounds and no controls are located on private property. The signs appear to be intended to stop motorized vehicles crossing onto the private property to the west.


The courses are up and registration is open on 2M Events here:!/events/salmon-arm-self-directed-gardom-bench-south-202407

Location & Parking

Turn off Hwy 97 onto Deep Creek Road, then turn left onto Mallory Road, then left onto Grange Road. Park at the end of Grange Road.

There is a small trail that starts in the northeast corner of the turn around at the end of Grange Road. The start/finish is approximately 75 meters up the trail.


  • Intermediate: 3.3 km straight line -- Most of the distance can be travelled on trails with controls near the trails.
  • Advanced: 3.3 km straight line -- More off-trail travel required with more controls further from the trails.

The controls are marked with orange and white flagging tape.

The days are hot right now. Plan accordingly! Avoid the hottest part of the day and take water.


These self-directed events are being offered for free to all Sage Orienteering Club members. In order to participate, EVERYONE in your group must have an active 2024 Sage Orienteering Club membership. If you'd like to contribute financially towards these events consider adding a donation when you sign up for your membership.

How it Works

  1. Register your Sage Orienteering Club membership and for the event (combined registration form, which will prompt you to register for your membership if you haven't yet registered as a member for 2024).
  2. Download the course maps (as PDFs) from the registration confirmation.
  3. Print the map, or load the map onto your phone.
  4. Do the course whenever you want during the time when the event is open. All participants (whether they have a map or not) need to be Sage Orienteering Club members, but it is really, really cheap so invite a friend to come along!



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun5539 (all one word)