Organizing a Local Orienteering Event in Salmon Arm
Before Race day
- Make sure there is permission to use the area if permission is required.Follow up with David Bakker if unsure.
- Get you map from the Sage Map Database (, this is where the latest versions of all maps (except those currently in progress are being held).There are helpful instructions on getting your map downloaded and set up at this link:
- Make up courses using Purple Pen (easy to use, free download here), CONDES (tricky to learn) or OCAD (crazy expensive).
- Check control locations in the field.
- Send maps to controller for review.
- Pick-up the following (from Bakker’s or last event organizer):
- SI Stands
- Club Box:
- SI Units
- Flags
- Printer
- Float
- Compasses
- Waiver Forms
- Registration Forms
- First Aid Kit
- SI Sticks
Day before race or Morning of Race day
- Check Sage website to see how many have signed up for each course.
- Print off maps at Staples.Colour printer using a credit card.Keep receipt, we will reimburse you for printing costs.
Just Before and During the Race
- Set out controls. Make sure to allow enough time. It is easier to put the controls together ahead of time if it is raining or a lot of bugs.If controls are away from trails/in unvisited locations, feel free and put them out a day ahead of time.
- Set up registration. It is easier if you have a table. If you are expecting a large turnout, recruit someone in advance of the event to help you out, or recruit someone on site.
- Have everyone sign in and sign the waiver form. Make sure to collect all their names if going in a group, the course they are going out on (Important!), the approximate start time, and the SI stick number.
- Collect the entry fee. $5 per map, maximum $10 per family.
- Make sure everyone knows what time the course closes.
- If you have a newcomer, direct them at an experienced orienteer for first time instruction, like the Mays, Corbetts, Phil, or a Bakker.
- Have someone at the start if possible to record the names and the start time.
- Print out two sets of results. You keep one copy, they keep the other. Put their name on your copy so you can make up a results sheet.
- Check off their names as they come in to make sure everyone comes back.
After The Race
- Pick up controls once everyone is back or after the course closing time and once all participants have been accounted for.
- Take controls apart and pack up ready for the next event.
- Return everything to it's proper location in the club box.
- Make up a results sheet and send to David as soon as possible, he will post results on the website.
- Return the equipment to Bakker’s or give it to the next event organize.