Organizer: Phil Wallensteen (Event Director)


This event has now finished and the courses are closed. Thank you to all participants!

Little Mountain

These courses will be available from the morning of April 26 to the evening of April 29.

Beginner and intermediate courses. Controls marked with orange and white flagging. The closest access to the start is to park at the end of Okanagan Ave just past the tennis club entrance. If you are new to orienteering and need help getting started Phil Wallensteen will be at the start between 1:30 and 2:30 pm on Saturday April 27 to help you get started.


Black Forest

These courses will be available from the morning of April 27 to the evening of May 6.

To access the map drive 2.0 km up Black Road and turn left onto a small dirt road. There are a couple parking spots in the first 20 meters. There will be an intermediate and advanced course. This map is quite a bit more technical than Little Mtn. The controls will be marked with orange and white flags. There is a rifle range on the north boundary so be sure not to enter the out of bounds areas.

Mapping note: The areas that have had fire fuel reduction treatment have been outlined with a dashed green line. The brush piles have not been mapped as we expect they will be burned in the next year. Most of the area that has been treated is mapped as slow runnable forest (light green).




Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun5452 (all one word)