Registration will open at 11.30 am.

Two courses set, Long at 6.5 km with 18 controls and a Medium at 3.9 km and 12 controls.

Directions to start:  Take Tranquille Road past the turn off for the airport and past the Kamloops Golf Course. Take the Tranquille-Criss Creek Road (Red Lake Road) where you bear up to the right over the train tracks and continue on gravel until the "hairpin" turn is reached. Here turn left onto Frederick Road and go for about 5 km to the Start which is visible from the road. There will be a few direction signs on the way out.

For newcomers, the Dewdrop map is half forest/half open.

A reminder: the event closes at 2pm. This means that if you are still out on the course at 2pm you must return to the start/finish area. If you don't come back, we will come looking for you.



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun1074 (all one word)